Hidden Talents — How to accelerate your snowboard

James Streater
3 min readOct 10, 2019

by James Streater @maverixsnow

A lot of people might think the only way to accelerate a board is to point it downhill, but we’ve all encountered those dreaded flats where we come to a stand still as our two poled buddies cruise past without a care in the world.

No resort is 100% boarder friendly, so we need to up our skills to survive these thigh burning terrain traps.

It might seem weird to think you can accelerate the board when you’re not on a slope, but it’s really possible and super useful.

What you’re aiming to do is use a skateboard mini ramp technique. Just like us Skateboarders need to maintain momentum between hits. They achieve that by pumping the transitions.

They bend their knees and push the deck away from them as they reach the bottom of the wall creating acceleration. We can do the same thing with a board.

How to accelerate your snowboard



James Streater

Head coach and owner of Maverix Snow Ltd. He holds the worlds highest snowsport qualification ISTD.